
Event information and schedule

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Key Points for Job Hunting in Japan

If you are about to start job hunting in Japan, check carefully first.


Understand Japan’s unique job hunting and job search schedule

First, understand the characteristics of Japanese job hunting. Recruitment schedules vary from company to company.In Japan, job hunting activities begin in March of the year before graduation, i.e., while students are still in school, with entry, company information sessions, written examinations, etc.Internships, industry research and self-analysis need to be undertaken much earlier.

It is important to understand the overall flow of job hunting activities and job hunting in Japan from an early stage, and to start making the necessary preparations.

Acquire Japanese language skills that can be used in business situations

The most important abilities that companies consider when hiring international students are “Japanese language ability” and “communication ability”. Japanese language skills are also essential for accurately communicating yourself during the interview process.

Aim for a level of N2 or higher on the JILP Japanese Language Proficiency Test!


Job Hunting Guide for International Students | JASSO

Image of Job Hunting Schedule in Japan

Job hunting in Japan requires more preparation and time than job hunting abroad. Check the schedule for companies and what you need to do to prepare yourself.

3⽉卒業 March Graduation

Image of Job Hunting Schedule in Japan(March Graduation)


9⽉卒業 September Graduation

Image of Job Hunting Schedule in Japan(September Graduation)



The Career Support Team offers individual career consultations to support international students in their job hunting and career choices in Japan.

You can consult with us about any career and employment-related issues, such as whether to go on to higher education or find a job, and whether to find a job in Japan or abroad, no matter what grade you are in. It is fine even if you do not have a clear idea of what you want to discuss. Let’s think together about where to start.

How to reserve Individual Career Counseling

What can you consult with us#

  • How to find your career
  • How to write Entry Sheet
  • About Internships
  • Preparation for Interviews

Step 1

# Click


Step 2

Login and fill out all required information.


Step 3

Receive an acceptance notification to your registered address.

Step 4

Come at the time of your appointment.

Please feel free to make a reservation!

Job hunting information for international students

留学生向けのFacebookグループ・Microsoft Teamsで

reference information

◆ 留学⽣就職⽀援コンソーシアム SUCCESS
International Student Employment Support Consortium SUCCESS

留学⽣就職⽀援コンソーシアムSUCCESS (success1.jp)

◆ 外国⼈雇⽤サービスセンター

ホーム | 東京外国⼈雇⽤サービスセンター (mhlw.go.jp)

◆ 留学⽣⽀援ネットワーク
International student support network

留学⽣就職⽀援ネットワーク (ajinzai-sc.jp)

◆ ⽇本学⽣⽀援機構
Japan Student Support Organization

外国人留学生のための就活ガイド | JASSO

就職⽀援 | JASSO